Polieco Sustainability
Polieco Sustainability
Aware of the importance of developing products and processes in unison with the principles of circular economy and in compliance with the national and international sustainability goals, in 2020 we started a process to understand our level of circularity in order to improve ourselves and to help create shared value.
As proof of our strong commitment, we decided to turn to Ergo – a spin-off of Sant’Anna di Pisa High School – to assess our circularity performance, to identify specific lines of action and to develop a strategic plan.
In 2021, together with Ergo we applied a check-up tool – developed by the Sant’Anna High School and the Bocconi University in the Green Economy Observatory, which considers all the stages of the value chain. The tool highlighted, overall, a higher circularity performance than the national average*. More specifically, the Design and Waste Management stages achieved the best performance rates, thanks to our consolidated experience. For example, in the use of recycled raw materials in certain applications, the reuse of production residue, recycling of packaging even on the basis of polymer subtypes.
Considering the performance, our goal is to advance to the next circularity level, seizing the identified improvement opportunities and excelling in all stages of our products life circle.
*the national average is obtained by measuring the average circularity level of about 3,800 companies across Italy (study of 2017 carried out by the Sant’Anna di Pisa High School and GREEN Observatory, Bocconi University in collaboration with CONAI)
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