Social Obligation

Polieco-M.P.B. Group believes that the growth of a company is due not only to the choices made by its management, but also to the obligation of its employees and their awareness of the surrounding area.
This is why it is important to keep an eye on economic performance, the impact on the environment and the people living in the context of the organisation.
We have set into motion a number of initiatives since our foundation, but only in the last few years have we decided to make these public, to make it clear that we are not only “a manufacturing site”, but also a company of people who care about people.

Industrie Polieco impegno Sociale

WHP – Workplace Health Promotion

Since 2023 Industrie Polieco – M.P.B. has been a part of the WHP programme of the Lombardy region, which promotes education on healthy lifestyles in the workplace, leading to the conscious adoption of such habits to prevent chronic diseases. The issues that our company has decided to focus on are: combating smoking and addictive behaviours, promoting physical activity and a healthy diet.

Support for the Families of Sick Children

Ronald McDonald Italy Foundation is the Italian headquarters of RMHC, an international non-profit organization that, through several programs, including Ronald Houses, helps thousands of parents to stay close to their child during hospital treatment. Industrie Polieco – M.P.B. cooperates with the structure in Brescia which constantly needs food for the families it hosts but also funds to guarantee support to the families of young patients.

Industrie Polieco impegno Sociale Support for the Families of Sick Children
Industrie Polieco impegno Sociale

Industrie Polieco – M.P.B. and the fight against Cancer

Industrie Polieco – M.P.B.’s commitment this year is to support foundations that fight against cancer. Our commitment began at Easter when Easter doves were purchased by A.N.T. (National Cancer Association) to all our employees. Subsequently, we decided to support Alessandra Bono, a non-profit organization engaged in countless projects: medical research, training and support to the weakest people.

Defibrillators for emergencies

Industrie Polieco – M.P.B.’s support to hospitals continues. This time we moved to S. Angelo dei Lombardi near our branch in Conza della Campania. The hospital needed portable defibrillators to be kept in every ward to allow fast intervention in an emergency without waiting for the less handly equipment of the hospital to arrive.

Industrie Polieco impegno Sociale Defibrillators for emergencies
Industrie Polieco impegno Sociale

A hot meal for the needy

The pandemic has put a large number of people in difficulty and a variety of projects have been set up to distribute food parcels to those in need.
Industrie Polieco – M.P.B. has contributed to the food collection programme by donating 6,300 kg of pasta to a number of local schemes.
With the purchase of Christmas hampers for our employees, we also assisted a Clown therapy association that works in hospitals and nursing homes for the elderly throughout the Brescia area.

Industrie Polieco – M.P.B. vs Covid-19

Italy was one of the first countries affected by the Coronavirus.
The provinces of Brescia and Bergamo, in particular, recorded the largest number of victims.
The head office of the parent group is located in this area and we experienced the spread of the pandemic first hand.
We immediately realised the seriousness of the situation and the enormous need for healthcare facilities.
We then contacted Brescia Health Service and made a donation, followed by a second, to purchase anti-infection equipment required by medical staff.

Industrie Polieco impegno Sociale Industrie Polieco – M.P.B. vs Covid-19
Industrie Polieco impegno Sociale

The medicine goes down with Polieco – MPB

For Christmas 2019, Industrie Polieco – M.P.B. decided not to give presents, but to allocate that part of the budget to support the construction of a New Galenic Formulation Laboratory of the Corporate Pharmacy in the Children’s Hospital in Brescia.
The new laboratory makes it possible to prepare pharmaceuticals tailored for children and create medicines that are not available on the market, which are needed for the treatment of rare diseases.