ReMade in Italy (RMI)is an environmental product certification that verifies the percentage of recycled material (or by-products) contained in a specific material, semi-finished product, or finished product across any type and application sector.
In compliance with the certification scheme, Industrie Polieco-MPB has adopted specific criteria for the selection, qualification, and periodic evaluation of suppliers and implemented a traceability plan for incoming materials and internal production flows, ensuring customers the guaranteed share of the product derived from recovered materials.
With the aim of promoting the purchase of eco-sustainable products and services, the Public Procurement Code has made Green Public Procurement mandatory, requiring Public Administrations to include the technical specifications and contractual clauses provided by the Minimum Environmental Criteria (CAM) in tender documents.
The MASE Decree of August 5, 2024, adopting the CAM for the assignment of design services and execution of construction, maintenance, and upgrading works for road infrastructure (CAM Roads), established for plastic pipes (section 2.3.9) a minimum content of 20% of recovered, recycled material, or by-products by weight of the product and included the ReMade in Italy certificationas one of the means of proof for the recycled material content.
Our drainage products have been awarded the ReMade in Italy label. The Drenopal and GeoDrenopal pipes achieved Class A with a recycled material content of 70%, while the Cavidotto, Polidren, Drenosewer, and GeoDrenosewer pipes achieved Class B with a recycled material content of 40%.